May the Maestro Cue the Zen

As part of the first twelve days collection, today ends May. On January 5th I said I wanted May to go away. I feel exactly like that today. Goodbye May!

May was like this beautiful rose. It had its moments of beauty,  but it also had thorns.


My birthday present from an offspring.

One minor low point of the month became a major high point. Life is funny that way.

I was trying to create a pod-cast and never did succeed in finishing it. I had to download iTunes for some reason and I doubted it would work on my non-Apple computer. I did manage to do it, and then I contemplated the three month trial period for the free music. I quickly realized that for only $5 more a month, I could convert the youngest offspring’s service to a family plan and we could all listen to our music. I failed miserably in trying to make the change.


The rose didn’t grow according to plan any better than my pod-cast

The youngest came home and also found it challenging. Though the offspring (all of whom have i phones) were easily able to listen to music, I was unable to do so on my computer or phone. On the third day I decided to just type in Billy Joel in the search box and low and behold, I was listening to Goodbye Saigon.

Next was Lady Gaga, and eventually the Doors. My human came home and said, “I didn’t know you listened to the Doors.”

I said, “I didn’t know either, but in Goodbye Saigon they passed the Doors tape, so I thought I’d give it a try.”

I haven’t really listened to music in a long time. I have been listening in May and I recall saying these words to my computer, “Maestro, cue the zen.” Guess what, he did.


Beauty is found in a variety of music and colors.


I had a thought the other day while I sat on my chair and watched a Netflix series for an entire weekend. Maybe May is just like the last month of pregnancy. Some people nest, and others don’t.

When I was pregnant with my first offspring people often told my human that he should watch for me suddenly cleaning everything. That would mean I was “nesting” and the baby would be born soon. What actually happened the day before my baby was born was I stayed on my side on the couch and watched Lifetime or Hallmark movies all day.

This isn’t to say I spent all of May laying around doing nothing. I did work. I did take care of some unpleasant events that turned out to be acceptable. I did get some gardening done. I just didn’t keep up with my blog or any other writing activities.

I like the idea that this month was my month to rest up for the birth of something new and exciting in June. Unlike the reality of bringing a new baby into the world, I don’t think June will be filled with sleepless nights and endless feedings and diaper changes.

I hope to do a series of photos from my gardens that I will put together in a collection entitled “The Out-of-shape Gardener.” I have already started to take pictures so I am ahead of things for now.


Same rose, just a bug’s view. June is looking up!



I love gardening and magical beings. My profile is a garden ready to be created,

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7 comments on “May the Maestro Cue the Zen
  1. joey says:

    I can’t imagine a life without music, daily, alawt. Glad you found Goodnight Saigon and the Doors — you fail to mention if you passed the hash pipe? lol
    Lady Gaga I love the album with Alejandro. I don’t know the names of things, but she sings that name 689 times or somethin. Love that album.
    I used to be ACES with iTunes, and then I didn’t buy anything/use it for so long that I missed all the adjustment to the updates and ended up playing the fool for a good few hours one Saturday this May.
    Roses are pretty at any angle, but that one looks better for the bugs’ views 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dan Antion says:

    I’m finding it hard to believe that I have to learn yet another way to consume music. I still remember buying 45s

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Joanne Sisco says:

    I think I’m going to embrace that expression “cue the zen” this weekend. I need some zen. I want some zen. Zen would be very good 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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